


Monday, 20 May 2013

As the newer smartphone, it is a given that the Galaxy S4 is a better camera compared to Galaxy S3.
  • Sharper - a tad too sharp for some, perhaps.
  • Higher pixel density means more details (13mp vs. 8mp)
  • Improved white balance
  • Larger maximum aperture (f2.2 vs. f2.6)
Crop Details

Galaxy S4 crop
Galaxy S3 crop

Angle of View

The one attribute that the S4 loses to S3 is its angle of view. S4's equivalent 35mm view is 31mm, while S3 is around 27mm. This means S4 captures a little less wide view, which is a real pity, as camera users would appreciate a wider angle for self-portraits or shooting landscape.

Samsung Galaxy S4

Samsung Galaxy S3

The new S4 appears to be more conservative in exposure. As demonstrated below, the S4 is under exposed and narrower angle of view. Of course, this is not a major issue, as you can easily override the auto exposure.

Samsung Galaxy S4

Samsung Galaxy S3

The camera resolution has been a talking point for HTC One. Personally, I prefer high-res images as I usually shoot to document more than social sharing, which requires lesser pixels. HTC One is spec-ed to be social friendly. If you live for social sharing, then HTC One is the better choice. If you need a smartphone with a competent camera function to store high-res images, then it has got to be the Samsung Galaxy S4. But don't dump your S3 yet: its camera function is still superior to a lot of other new smartphone models.


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